Immediately after the procedure is how you can anticipate the healed result to look. In the hours following the appointment, your brows will darken noticeably and the hair strokes will appear much thicker than initially due to swelling. This will cause the brows to look incredibly dark, much larger, and misshapen 1-2 weeks after the procedure. The appearance of much darker brows is due to the pigment oxidizing as each hair stoke is essentially an open wound. They will lighten by atleast 50% and the strokes will appear thinner 1-2 weeks after, and they will continue to lighten through the 4 weeks following the appointment. Please consider the timing of your appointment in relation to any upcoming events. You are likely going to have more intense looking brows for the first two weeks of healing.
- Always wash your hands before tending to your brows.
- For the First 48 hours: Dab your brows with a clean cotton pad before applying your Aftercare Balm supplied - apply as needed to keep the brows lubricated.
- Brows may ooze lymph (cloudy yellow substance) for the first 48 hours; remove by blotting with a clean cotton pad.
- Always Keep a thin layer of your supplied Aftercare balm on your brows while you have any scabs or flakiness (1.5-2.5 weeks roughly). Apply by dabbing a clean cotton bud across the brow. Only use enough to see the shine and keep them lubricated. Don't overdo it. If the brows do not start to feel tight and stiff, then it's time to reapply.
- DO NOT wash your brows for whilst there is any scabs, flakiness, or dead skin that's visible or still coming off. Water will draw the pigment out of the strokes.
- When showering Do not put your face into the shower stream. Do not wash your face in the shower. Wash your face in front of a mirror to be sure you are avoiding the treatment area completely.
- Do not pick, scratch, or rub any skin flakes or scabs. Allow them to fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring and premature loss of pigment.
- Avoid getting soaps, shampoos/conditioners or other cleansers on the treated area for the first week.
- DO NOT apply makeup to the tattooed area for the first 2 weeks.
- Do not tint/dye the treated area the month following the procedure.
- Do not thread or wax the treated area for 2 weeks.
- Avoid any activities or exercising that causes heavy sweating the week following the procedure. Sweat can push the pigment out of the strokes. So no hot yoga, hot tubs, long showers, baths, steam rooms, saunas, or heavy cardio.
- No swimming for 3 weeks.
- Avoid sun exposure the first 4 weeks by using a physical barrier to block the sun, i.e. a hat, umbrella, your car visor, a hood, etc. Apply sunscreen to the treated area when sun exposure is anticipated after the first 4 weeks.
- Do not schedule a hair appointment, facial, injections, or similar for the first 2 weeks.